
5ON on DRAWN! (on on on)

Some wonderful words of praise from the peeps at DRAWN! Thanks for helping to get the word out about the show guys! Mucho appreciato.

Also, while I'm at it, gotta thank the folks at Channel Frederator for getting the word out as well. Thanks all!


5 ON - Episode 4 (Brains!)

They keep rolling out! Here is Zombies on Presidential Candidates. I'm thinking it may be the best to date. Check it out.

The clean version can be seen at Atom Films here


The directors cut here!

and here



5 ON - Episode 3 (now with more demons!)

Number 3 went up this week. This episode made me realize how bad the editor of 5ON is. He manages to get only clips of Alan being harassed and no actual opinions on the environment. Poor Alan. Anyway, as usual here are the two versions.

The one for Atom Films is here.

Or you can watch the directors cut with all the naughty bits here.

and here
