It is always interesting to see what will resonate with people. Some work I do, I'm sure everyone will love, and it falls flat. Other things, done on a whim, blow up. The 'Facial Hair Types' I did for Mammal 002 has been selected for 3x3 Illustration Annual No. 5 and American Illustration 28. What can I say. People love beards.
Continuing my trend of animating Tristan Eaton characters, I got a chance to bring Billy Bananas to life again for an art event at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery. This is a condensed version of the actual piece, which is an hour long loop of Billy breathing, broken up by brief moments of zaniness. I've strung all the action together along with some footage of the piece being displayed in the gallery. Yes, that is me talking to myself like an idiot in the video.
VH1 continues to baffle and amaze me by milking this trend of trashy competitive dating shows and spinning them off into countless other woefuly trashy reality shows. Tiffany Pollard (New York), originally a contestant on Flavor of Love with Flavor Flav, got her own dating show I Love New York which ran for two seasons in 2007. And now! The latest turd to fall out of VH1's ass...New York Goes to Work in which the audience can vote on what terrible job Tiffany will be subjected to each week. Despite the show's lack of anything resembling quality, working on the intro was quite fun. Tristan Eaton knocked out some great designs, and I brought them life with the creative direction of Interspectacular. I think all in all we got a pretty great 30 second intro.